
Showing posts from December 27, 2020

Traditional Customs during The Holidays in Aruba

  For Arubans, the holidays are twice as happy: 90% of our kids go study abroad, mainly to The Netherlands, The States, Canada, and Latin America.   They come back home this season to spend Christmas with their families. The best Christmas gift any parent could ask for! Some of our customs  during this season are:  On Aruba music plays a big part in any celebration, you will find bands around the public places on the island playing Gaita.  Gaita is most known for its Christmas songs. It will be played on the radio from November to the beginning of January. And they will be present in almost every Christmas activity, you will see a band of women singing and the men playing the "furro", "charrasca", maracas, "cuatro", and tambora, the instruments needed to play this music. After Christmas Eve, there will usually be a band playing Dande. Dande is a traditional music Aruban’s play to welcome the New Year. The band usually visits houses or stands in front of a