Import Duties on Aruba

Import duties on Aruba are calculated on CIF:  Cost + Insurance + Freight.

The average value of import duties is 12% for basic goods/products which are categorized as primary necessities of life.

Luxury and other goods are subjected to higher import duties.

An exemption on household goods may apply if the following conditions are met:

The household goods must have been used in the previous primary place of residence.

The household goods have been used outside of Aruba in accordance with the prevailing norms in that country.

Exemption is only granted to persons who were not yet considered residents of Aruba.

Household goods imported using a duty exemption must be imported within 12 months after the normal place of residence has been transferred; this can be achieved in one or more shipments. 

Fill out a petition for duty free import to Aruba, it is in Dutch

If a request for exemption of import duties on the household goods shipment is rejected in whole or in part, the owner of the goods may appeal to the Commissioner of Customs within a period of 1 month after the rejection. 

Import duties must be paid on new household goods.

Some of the import duties percentages are:

Stove – 22% 

Refrigerators – 12% 

Kitchen and tableware – 12% 

Kitchen cabinets –22%

Dishwashers – 12%

A/C – 22% 

Furniture – 22% 

Lamps – 12% 

Bathtub, Sink – 12% 

Rugs / carpets – 22% 

Fans – from 12 to 22% 

Box springs / mattresses – 22% 

Microwaves – 22% 

Iron (electric) – 12%

Washer & Dryer – 12%

import duties percentages for household goods and appliances on Aruba


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